Friday, October 26, 2007

do we know what we want from life......n what is right for us....

yesterday I wathched a movie 'Bruce Almighty'...........The charachter playing as God ...said a simple line 'do human beings know what they want from life ....and waht is good for them '..................its a great thought.......I somtimes thought if we see things from a hawkeye view....we can see where we are heading and what path is good for us...but we cant see our life this way so I personnely feel we often wish for things ,fight for them n,and feel sad when dont get them.....but its a part of big picture....only... abt which we dont know.....we donmt know most of the times in the long run ...wht is good for us.........we are in a Matrix sort of world....really dont know when to celebrate and when to feel sad................